What is voice-activated advertising?

Today, audio is omnipresent, and it has completely changed the way we consume and interact with technology. Radio, podcasts and audiobooks have quickly become the busy person’s medium letting people to listen to on the go.

Voice activated advertising
Voice activated ads

What is voice-activated advertising?

Voice-activated ads is a form of advertisement that involves the use of conversations to get new leads and new customers for a brand. Rather than being presented with visual ads, users hear audio ads that are delivered through voice assistants or smart speakers. These ads can be triggered by voice commands or integrated into existing content, such as podcasts or music streaming services.

How does voice-activated advertising work?

Voice-activated advertising works by using natural language processing (NLP) to understand user commands/requests and deliver with the relevant ads. When a user interacts with a voice assistant or smart speaker, the device records the audio and sends it to a server for analysis. The server uses NLP algorithms to identify the user's intent and then delivers an appropriate ad in response.Voice-activated products such as Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri were unlocked the way we interact with technology by enabling this two way communication.

Benefits of voice-activated advertising

There are several benefits of voice-activated ads over the traditional forms of advertising and few of them were listed below.,

  • Enhanced user experience

Users interact with voice assistants and smart speakers in a conversational manner, As a result voice-activated ads can be integrated seamlessly into the original content that the user is listening. These voice-activated ads are creating a seamlessly immersive user experience.

  • Increased personalization

These voice-activated ads allows to deliver more personalized ads to the user's interest and behavior which in turn lead to higher conversions and higher return on investment(ROI).

  • Higher Engagement

These voice-activated ads have higher engagement rates as we know these ads are based on a two way communication mode which allows the user to interact with the voice ads that are more likely to capture the user's attention. 


There are a few challenges with the voice-activated ads despite of the benefits that it would offer.,

Limited user adoption : Voice-activated technology is still in growth phase and not widespread as like the traditional advertising mediums. This would limit your user adoption rate.

Limited targeting options : Voice-activated ads offer limited targeting options compared to other forms of advertising currently. 

User privacy concerns : The data collected from the user is not transparent and not allowing the user to opt-out.
