Difference between DSP and SSP


The digital ad industry has streamlined the buying and selling of ad inventories over time. Today, both publishers and advertisers can reach each other easily and increase their revenues through these software — SSPs and DSPs.

Demand side platform and supply side platform


  • DSP stands for demand-side platform
  • DSP is a software tool used by advertisers which allows them to buy ad impressions from ad exchanges in an automated way. 
  • DSP analyzes the targeting parameters and decides which ad impressions would be the most efficient and cheapest choice for the advertiser.
  • DSP helps to increase ROI for the advertiser
  • DSP tool collects information about users and places a bid on behalf of the advertiser


  • SSP stands for supply-side platform
  • SSP is a software tool used by publishers which allows them to sell advertising space to ad exchanges in an automated way.
  • SSP serves to automate the process of publishers running RTB auctions and evaluating bids
  • SSP helps to increase ROI for the publisher
  • SSP connects publishers ad inventory to multiple ad exchanges, DSPs and demand partners

